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Hilary Barnard

Hilary Barnard

Consultancy Interests

Hilary Barnard is a strategy, change and organisational development consultant.  He works across the third sector, and with statutory and private sector partners in the UK and internationally.

In today’s challenging conditions, with insight and creativity Hilary helps organisations to find strategies and sustainable solutions that ensure effective delivery of charites’ expertise, services and campaigns.  He works with clients on rethinking and reinventing business models and approaches to ensure continued relevance and sustainability.

Relevant assignments include:

  • Strategy reviews for Citizens Income Trust, Oxford Research Group, Anti Bullying Alliance, Play England, Macfarlane Trust, PLIAS Resettlement and IPSEA
  • Governance reviews for National Governors Association, CISV International, Freud Museum, BTCV, Crohn’s & Colitis UK, and Article 19; and under the AIM Prospering Boards programme
  • Leadership programmes for the Association of Independent Museums,  Parkinson’s UK, Westminster City Council and NAPIMS (Nigeria)
  • Facilitating Boards, teams and partnerships (International Bar Association Human Rights Institute, Blenheim/HAGA, BOND/Young Minds, Volunteering Matters, Bridge Mental Health)
  • Supporting fifuteen merger processes and much partnership development
  • Undertaking service reviews (NDCS Family Support Service) and organisational reviews (Friends of the Earth, Tilbury on the Thames Trust and Elfrida Society)
  • Policy and project management of the Children’s Workforce Network (Sector Skills Councils, regulators, Central and Local Government)
  • Advising successful 8 figure pfeg led funding bid to Government for financial competence training in schools
  • Devising generic competency framework for permanent staff in Students Unions (NUS Charitable Services commission)
  • Evaluations of the DCLG funded £1 million+ Talking Together programme (commissioned by TimeBank), the Skills for Care funded Hospice education and training project (commissioned by Hospice UK), and the income generation NSS workstream (commissioned by ACEVO)
  • Action learning/change programme for Valuing People for local partnership implementation (commissioned by Department of Health)
  • Product/service reviews for Living Streets and CABE
  • Stream of ENHANCE organisational development projects for Lloyds Bank Foundation

Hilary is a  a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, a member of the Organisational Development and Innovation Network, and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.  He has been a Senior Visiting Fellow at Cass Business School and  the external examiner for the MSc in voluntary and community sector studies at Birkbeck College, University of London.

Hilary has written widely on leadership, strategy, governance and organisational development in the sector for Civil Society Finance, Civil Society Governance, Leader to Leader, Network, Governance & Compliance and Caritas.  He is the author of Step Change (Cass CCE 2012), Improving Equality & Diversity: A guide to Third Sector Chief Executives (ACEVO 2011), Whose Localism? (Cass CCE 2011), Big Society, Cuts & Consequences (Cass CCE 2010), Really Intelligent Commissioning (ACEVO 2009), Vertical Integration (NCB/VCS-Engage 2007), Added Value, Changing Lives: a social capital study (VAW 2006), and Design For Health (Mind 2003).  He is a regular book reviewer on strategy and governance for Governing Matters (NGA).  Hilary’s evaluation report (2015) of the TimeBank Talking Together programme can be accessed on the TimeBank website.  He is the co-author of Improving Equality & Diversity: a guide for third sector Chief Executives (ACEVO 2011) and Strategies for Success (NCVO 1994).

He collaborates regularly with Ruth Lesirge, also a member of the Experience Network, under the umbrella of HBRL Consulting.


Was CEO of

  • NVAC

Was trustee of

  • SOVA
  • Orchestra of St.John's
  • Blackfriars Settlement
  • Metropolitan Housing Trust

Years in the sector

  • 40

Years as a consultant

  • 28

Contact Hilary

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